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Why Is My Hair Thinning On The Sides

Written by Aprilia May 11, 2023 · 8 min read
Why Is My Hair Thinning On The Sides
My hair is thinning! 5 reasons for hair loss explained
My hair is thinning! 5 reasons for hair loss explained

If you’ve noticed thinning hair on the sides of your head, you’re not alone. Many people experience this issue, which is also known as “hair loss on the temples.” But why does it happen, and what can you do about it? In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes of hair thinning on the sides and provide tips for preventing and treating it.


Hair thinning on the sides is a common problem that can affect both men and women. This type of hair loss typically occurs along the hairline, often creating a “widow’s peak” or “M-shaped” hairline. It can also cause the hair on the sides of the head to become noticeably thinner, which can be frustrating and embarrassing.

How to

So, what can you do if you’re experiencing hair thinning on the sides? Here are some tips:

1. Be gentle when styling your hair

Using harsh chemicals or heat on your hair can cause damage and breakage, which can lead to thinning. Try to minimize the use of blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons, and opt for gentle, natural styling methods instead.

2. Eat a healthy diet

Your hair needs nutrients to grow and stay healthy, so make sure you’re eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Foods like eggs, nuts, leafy greens, and lean meats can all help to promote healthy hair growth.

3. Consider hair growth supplements

If you’re not getting enough nutrients from your diet, or if you’re experiencing hair thinning due to a medical condition, you may want to consider taking hair growth supplements. Look for supplements that contain biotin, vitamin D, and other hair-boosting ingredients.

Step by Step

If you’re already experiencing hair thinning on the sides, here are some steps you can take to prevent further damage:

1. Avoid tight hairstyles

Tight hairstyles like braids, weaves, and ponytails can put stress on your hairline, causing it to thin or recede. Try to opt for looser styles that don’t pull on your hairline or scalp.

2. Use gentle hair products

Harsh shampoos, conditioners, and styling products can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. Look for gentle, sulfate-free products that won’t damage your hair.

3. Consult a dermatologist

If you’re experiencing severe or sudden hair thinning, it’s important to consult a dermatologist. They can help you determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and recommend treatments or medications that can help.


Here are some additional tips for preventing hair thinning on the sides:

1. Massage your scalp

Massaging your scalp can help to stimulate blood flow and promote healthy hair growth. Use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp for a few minutes each day.

2. Protect your hair from the sun

Exposure to UV rays can damage your hair and make it more prone to breaking and thinning. Wear a hat or use a UV-protective hair product when you’re spending time in the sun.

3. Don’t over-wash your hair

Washing your hair too frequently can strip it of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage. Try to wash your hair no more than every other day, and use a gentle shampoo and conditioner.


Q: What causes hair thinning on the sides?

A: Hair thinning on the sides can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, aging, hormonal changes, and medical conditions like alopecia areata.

Q: Can hair thinning on the sides be reversed?

A: In some cases, hair thinning on the sides can be reversed with the right treatments and lifestyle changes. However, it’s important to consult a dermatologist to determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and find the best course of action.

Q: Are there any natural remedies for hair thinning on the sides?

A: Some people find that natural remedies like rosemary oil, onion juice, and aloe vera can help to promote hair growth and prevent thinning. However, these remedies haven’t been scientifically proven to be effective, so it’s important to proceed with caution.

Hair Care

Taking good care of your hair is essential for preventing hair thinning on the sides. Here are some hair care tips to keep in mind:

1. Use a wide-toothed comb

Using a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush can help to prevent breakage and damage to your hair. Start at the ends and work your way up to avoid pulling on your hair.

2. Keep your hair hydrated

Dry, brittle hair is more prone to breakage and thinning. Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week to keep your hair hydrated and healthy.

3. Get regular trims

Getting regular trims can help to prevent split ends and breakage, which can lead to hair thinning. Aim to get a trim every 6-8 weeks.

By following these tips and taking good care of your hair, you can help to prevent hair thinning on the sides and keep your hair healthy and strong.

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Thinning hair Causes, types, treatment, and remedies.

If you’ve noticed thinning hair on the sides of your head, you’re not alone. Many people experience this issue, which is also known as “hair loss on the temples.” But why does it happen, and what can you do about it? In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes of hair thinning on the sides and provide tips for preventing and treating it.


Hair thinning on the sides is a common problem that can affect both men and women. This type of hair loss typically occurs along the hairline, often creating a “widow’s peak” or “M-shaped” hairline. It can also cause the hair on the sides of the head to become noticeably thinner, which can be frustrating and embarrassing.

How to

So, what can you do if you’re experiencing hair thinning on the sides? Here are some tips:

1. Be gentle when styling your hair

Using harsh chemicals or heat on your hair can cause damage and breakage, which can lead to thinning. Try to minimize the use of blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons, and opt for gentle, natural styling methods instead.

2. Eat a healthy diet

Your hair needs nutrients to grow and stay healthy, so make sure you’re eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Foods like eggs, nuts, leafy greens, and lean meats can all help to promote healthy hair growth.

3. Consider hair growth supplements

If you’re not getting enough nutrients from your diet, or if you’re experiencing hair thinning due to a medical condition, you may want to consider taking hair growth supplements. Look for supplements that contain biotin, vitamin D, and other hair-boosting ingredients.

Step by Step

If you’re already experiencing hair thinning on the sides, here are some steps you can take to prevent further damage:

1. Avoid tight hairstyles

Tight hairstyles like braids, weaves, and ponytails can put stress on your hairline, causing it to thin or recede. Try to opt for looser styles that don’t pull on your hairline or scalp.

2. Use gentle hair products

Harsh shampoos, conditioners, and styling products can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. Look for gentle, sulfate-free products that won’t damage your hair.

3. Consult a dermatologist

If you’re experiencing severe or sudden hair thinning, it’s important to consult a dermatologist. They can help you determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and recommend treatments or medications that can help.


Here are some additional tips for preventing hair thinning on the sides:

1. Massage your scalp

Massaging your scalp can help to stimulate blood flow and promote healthy hair growth. Use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp for a few minutes each day.

2. Protect your hair from the sun

Exposure to UV rays can damage your hair and make it more prone to breaking and thinning. Wear a hat or use a UV-protective hair product when you’re spending time in the sun.

3. Don’t over-wash your hair

Washing your hair too frequently can strip it of its natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage. Try to wash your hair no more than every other day, and use a gentle shampoo and conditioner.


Q: What causes hair thinning on the sides?

A: Hair thinning on the sides can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, aging, hormonal changes, and medical conditions like alopecia areata.

Q: Can hair thinning on the sides be reversed?

A: In some cases, hair thinning on the sides can be reversed with the right treatments and lifestyle changes. However, it’s important to consult a dermatologist to determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and find the best course of action.

Q: Are there any natural remedies for hair thinning on the sides?

A: Some people find that natural remedies like rosemary oil, onion juice, and aloe vera can help to promote hair growth and prevent thinning. However, these remedies haven’t been scientifically proven to be effective, so it’s important to proceed with caution.

Hair Care

Taking good care of your hair is essential for preventing hair thinning on the sides. Here are some hair care tips to keep in mind:

1. Use a wide-toothed comb

Using a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush can help to prevent breakage and damage to your hair. Start at the ends and work your way up to avoid pulling on your hair.

2. Keep your hair hydrated

Dry, brittle hair is more prone to breakage and thinning. Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week to keep your hair hydrated and healthy.

3. Get regular trims

Getting regular trims can help to prevent split ends and breakage, which can lead to hair thinning. Aim to get a trim every 6-8 weeks.

By following these tips and taking good care of your hair, you can help to prevent hair thinning on the sides and keep your hair healthy and strong.

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